
About Me



Cert. Licensed

Early Childhood Educator

Nature & Outdoor Enthusiast



I am a registered licensed Early Childhood Educator and have been working in the field for over 15 years.  I received my E.C.E  from the College of New Caledonia, Prince George,  where my love for the field allowed me to graduate top of my class and to be the recipient of the prestigious Sharon Dezell E.C.E Student Award.

My passions drive me, and as such, they tend to heavily influence my teaching style. This has meant that my love of nature, creativity, exploration and learning, has led me to seek to foster a relationship with nature in children and to help them find meaningful connections with the outdoors.  My love for outdoors stems from growing up on a farm and having the responsibility of caring for animals and farm life.  Transferring that attachment into a sense of responsibility was the most important step of my journey as an Educator. I strongly believe that all children should have the opportunity to play, learn and explore beyond the backyard.  I am particularly passionate about mindfulness in nature and inquiry-based learning.

Being an outdoor enthusiast, in my time off I often find myself  lost in the forest while exploring with my hubby and cat.   More often than not you will find us deep in the woods, hands/paws in dirt exploring and learning about the incredibly complex natural systems that keep our planet alive… or playing with power tools!

I am looking forward to meeting and hearing from you all!